Tuesday, June 17, 2014

1. Glucagonoma
- Derm: erythematous plaques that can coalesce and blister around perineal area, extremities, face
- Neuro: ataxia, dementia, proximal muscle weakness
- Can cause increased DVT
- Serum glucagon > 500.
- Other conditions that cause elevated glucagon: cushing's, pancreatitis, sepsis and hypoglycemia, although in these cases serum glucagon is generally < 500 
2. Theophylline toxicity 
– CNS stimulation – Headaches, insomnia, seizures
– G.I. disturbances: nausea and vomiting
– Arrhythmias: Atrial tachycardias, SVT, v-tach
– Narrow therapeutic window, levels can be increased by CYP inhibitors (macrolides, Verapamil, cimetidine, cipro), by acute illness and by cirrhosis.
3. DDx SVC Syndrome
– Malignancy: lung cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
– Fibrosing mediastinitis: 2/2 Histo, TB 
– Giant clot from an indwelling line 
4. Hep C cryoglobulinemia: 
– Think of it like lupus with elevated transaminases: vasculitis of skin, kidneys, nerves, joints.
– Renal: proteinurea and hematuria 
– Skin: Palpable Purpura. 
– Joints: Arthralgias
– Systemic inflammatory symptoms: malaise, fatigue
– Nerves: peripheral neuropathy
– Hepatosplenomegaly
– Labs: Decreased complement (low C3, C4), elevated RF. 
5. DDx Pulsus paradoxus
– cardiac tamponade
– Severe asthma or COPD 2/2 significantly increased intrathoracic pressure on inspiration - sucks blood out of the heart into the pulmonary venous system, reducing preload 
6. Dermatology 
– Tinea versicolor: flat white pink or brown macules that do not tan, scale on scraping. Treat with ketoconazole or selenium sulfide. 
– Seborrheic keratosis: brownish stuck on lesions
– Seborrehic dermatitis: rash that affects anywhere with sebaceous glands (face, intertriginous, parasternal, scalp). Greasy yellow scale over erythematous base. Often associated with underlying Parkinson's or HIV.
– Tinea corporis: erythematous rings with scaly edges 
– Pityriasis rosacea: flat fawn colored macules up to 2 cm, christmas tree, herald patch
– Sudden onset seborrheic dermatitis or severe psoriasis - think HIV or GI malignancy 
– Photo allergic contact dermatitis can occur with certain kinds of sunscreen. Prior exposure is needed
7. Optho 
- Tarsal conjunctiva = conjunctivae lining the inside of the eyelid. Granular appearance suggests viral conjunctivitis (among other things). Treat viral conjunctivitis with cool moist compresses
- Macular degeneration causes central vision loss - can be atrophic with sores or proliferative with increased blood vessels.
- Open angle glaucoma causes loss of peripheral vision and is more common among diabetics. On exam you will see increased cupping. 
- Acute closed angle glaucoma: hard eye, dilated/fixed pupil, blurred vision, halo, pain, conjunctivitis, headache, nausea. Treat with pilocarpine to open canals of schlemm and timolol to reduce synthesis of aqueous humor. 
- Anterior uveitis: inflammation of uvea, especially iris. May have conjunctival inflammation next to cornea is usually spared. 
- Conjunctivitis vs keratitis: keratitis implies involvement of cornea. 
- Fungal keratitis is often found in agricultural workers and immunocompromised patients; you'll see multiple stromal abscesses
- Bacterial keratitis is common in contact lens wearers (particularly gram negatives like pseudomonas and serratia). The cornea will appear hazy with a central Ulcer and surrounding stromal abscess-  you may see hypopyon. 
- Herpes simplex keratitis: recurrent infections triggered by sun exposure (outdoor work) fever or immunodeficiency and are characterized by dendritic ulcers & corneal ulcers
- Episceritis: mild pain and discharge. RA, IBD. Does not affect vision or cornea. 
- Standard diabetic retinopathy includes micro hemorrhages and cottonwood spots
- Central Retinal vein thrombosis causes sudden loss of vision often in the morning; you will see dilated and torturous veins on exam, and disc swelling
8. Indications for aortic valve repair in aortic stenosis
– Any symptoms: Syncope, dizziness or lightheadedness, dyspnea
– Significant stenosis in a patient getting a CABG or other valve surgery
– Significant AS + plus poor LV function, poor exercise tolerance, or significant LV hypertrophy
9. Liquid cancer treatment
– Hairy cell: cladribine (purine analog) 
– CLL: prednisone plus chlorambucil
– Non-Hodgkin's: CHOP
- Hodgkins: ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vincristine, dacarbazine)
- APML: All-trans retinoic acid
- AML: induction (cytarabine + anthracycline like daunorubicin) + consolidation (more chemo drugs or stem cell transplant depending on cancer genetics) 
– Due to insulin resistance => increased peripheral lipolysis, which is taken up by the liver 

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