Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Temporal lobe

image with frontal operculum removed
8 - temporal stem, limen insulae 

Surface anatomy:
6: squamous suture, boundary between temporal and parietal bone. Half of the temporal lobe is actually above it... 
1: coronal suture, goes right above anterior temporal tip. 
2: precentral gyrus
3: postcentral gyrus 
when you split sylvian, if you retract too aggressively on anterior frontal lobe you can cause weakness. 

12: pars orbitalis
8: pars triangularis
9: pars opercularis 
4: precentral
5: postcentral 
2: central sulcus 
6: supramarginal gyrus 

superior & inferior surfaces of temporal lobe:

White matter: 

Occipital frontal fasiculus = IFOF 
ST= striae terminalis
T= tapetum 

Temporal stem:

Uncinate fasiculus - front of temporal stem 

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