Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1. Interesting article on neuromorphic computing in this week's Economist. Essentially, various groups are trying to build a computer system that behaves like the human brain does. Their techniques vary, but resemble each other in that instead of having a central processor following a written program, they're making systems of decentralized, highly-interconnected groups of individual processors that sum the signals they receive and use that information to decide whether or not to fire in an all-or-nothing manner (electronic action potentials) and are able to strengthen and prune connections without outside input. Seems like the engineers are going to figure out how the brain works before the life scientists do. Not surprising, they're definitely smarter than us.
2. Baby Derm: 
-To tell eczema vs seborrehic dermatitis: eczema is itchy, SD is not. Eczema: short lukewarm baths, vaseline on the body, topical steroids if you need it. Nothing stronger than 2.5% hydrocortisone on the face.
-Diaper dermatitis vs candidaisis: diaper dermatitis spares skin folds. Treatment for both is naked time, avoid baby wipes (use wet towels). Dermatitis: use desitin or any other barrier cream, don't rub it in the point is to act as a barrier. for candidiasis, topical nystatin.
-Tinea capitis: treat with PO griseofulvin for 6 weeks, 20-20ug/kg/day with fatty food. The associated liver damage is probably not as big a concern as it was once believed.
-Scabies: 5% permetherin lotion all over, cover it with more lotion, go to sleep leave it on 8 hours, wash it off the next day. Wait a week, if you still have sx do it again. Treat everyone in the family even if only one has sx, launder everything in really hot water.
-Impetigo: topical mupirocin (binds a t-RNA synthetase in staph and strep), IV clinda if its really bad.
3. Parvo is most dangerous in:
-Patients with sickle cell anemia, in which it can precipitate an aplastic crisis. Hydroxyurea, being essentially a chemotherapy agent that increases HbF, can also drop someone's WBC, but rarely drops their platelets. To check for aplastic crisis, check platelets.
-Pregnant women/fetuses: causes hydrops.
-Dogs, especially puppies: causes respiratory and cardiac failure.
Parvo in adults: acute symmetric polyarthritis.
4. Colic: rule of 3s: disappears before 3 mos, 3 hours a day (sum total) of inconsolable crying, at least 3 days a week.
5. Tylenol dosing: 
Fever/Pain for infants/children 10-15 mg/kg/dose q4-6 hours. (neonates: q6-8). max dose 3g/day.
"old infants tylenol" now off the market, 80mg/0.8 cc (100mg/cc).
Children's tylenol: 160mg/5cc (32mg/cc)
Chewable: 80 or 160 mg/tab
Adult: 325, 500, 1000.
6. If you suspect tylenol overdose: draw levels at 4 hours after ingestion, if >200 probable hepatic damage, go to PICU. If <150, probably ok.
Treatment: N-acetylcysteine, gastric lavage, activated charcoal. If they took it in pill form recently, make them throw it up: the pills take a while to absorb in the stomach.
7. If a kid comes in with recurrent nosebleeds, ask him about bleeding elsewhere: GI tract, easy bruising, blood from teeth brushing, difficulty stopping bleeding after injury. FHx of bleeding diathesis.
8. Hydrocarbon toxicity (gasoline, turpentine, mineral oil, kerosene): main worry is aspiration pneumonitis, which occurs in 30-40% of kids with hydrocarbon tox; risk increases with higher volatility/low viscosity compounds. The hydrocarbons penetrate deeply into the lung parenchyma, causing bronchospasm, inflammation, necrosis. Can lead the kid to go into fulminant ARDS. Hydrocarbons also collect in various other lipid-rich parts of the body and wreck havoc, including brain, liver, kidney, etc.
9. Kiddie ID clinical pearls: 
-Coughing fits leading to apnea in a child [ALTE]: chlamydia pneumnoia vs pertussis (absolute leukocytosis, cleaved leukocytes on diff. Kids' cartilage is not developed enough for whoop).
-Toddler with wheezes and crackles but excellent sats, is pink and happy: RSV bronchiolitis. No tx, admit if sats<90 or for hydration issues.
-Few months old, afebrile, stigmata of pneumonia: chlamydia.
-BPD vs Bronchiolitis: in BPD, lungs are little scarred up from lack of surfactant+ventilator, bronchospasms come easy, responds to neb treatments. In bronchiolitis, the problem is edema and they won't respond to nebs.
-Really bad airway edema (ie. croup): steroids and racemic epinephrine (a-agonism will drop edema from the inside)
-Weeks of cold symptoms and night cough that is progressively worsening plus halitosis: sinusitis.
-Older kid with stigmata of pneumonia, but low fever and looks ok, with a CXR full of diffuse interstitial findings: atypicals, likely mycoplasma.
-Fever in a newborn: culture everything, amp/cefotaxime. Cover for e.coli, GBS, s.pneumo, staph, listeria (in rough order of prevalence). Gent causes hearing damage, ceftriaxone biliary sludging.
-Suspected meningitis: LP and ceftriaxone/vanc asap. If you're worried about increased ICP (focal neuro signs, extreme altered mental status, cushing's triad HTN+low HR/RR), you can get a stat CT in ~20 mins, will not affect outcome. Don't let them herniate.
-High fever for 3-5 days, rash, seizures: roseola.
-5 days of high fevers + rash of any kind + LAD>1.5cm + edema of hands/feet + bulbar conjunctivitis (spares avascular part around iris) + buccal/tongue mucosa reddening = kawasaki. Without treatment, 27% aneurysm. Hit with high dose aspirin for 2-3 days, then low dose for 4-6 weeks til you've got a clear echo. IVIg day 5-7 only.
10. Supraclavicular nodes: R side drains mediastinum, lungs; L side drains abdomen. These nodes are never normal, with malignancy high on the differential even in the absence of other symptoms. Refer for biopsy.

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