Monday, July 14, 2014

1. OCP side effects: 
- Hypertension
- Breakthrough bleeding
- Breast tenderness
- N/V
- Bloating
- Decreased risk of ovarian/endometrial cancer
- Increased risk cervical cancer
- Liver disorders (hepatic adenoma)
- Increased triglycerides (estrogen component)
- DO NOT cause weight gain despite the highly prevalent belief among users, not shown to pan out in controlled studies.
2. Uterine bleeding: 
- Abruption: only 25% visible on u/s - fetal vital signs will deteriorate as oxygen delivery is compromised.
- Accreta: less likely with fundal placenta (as most c-sections are done low tranverse, and accretion tends to happen at prior scar sites)
- Previa: placenta overlying os.
3. Epiglottitis: 
- Sudden onset fever, respiratory distress, dysphagia, drooling, inspiratory stridor, leaning forwards and hypertextending neck.
- If unstable vitals, go to OR for intubation- if that fails, then trach; should avoid crich in pre-pubescent kids, as they have increased risk of developing subglottic stenosis
vs peritonsilar abscess: has more subacute onset; unilateral tonsilar swelling with uvular deviation 
vs angioedema: history of allergen exposure 
4. Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease: 
- asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps, bronchospasm/nasal congestion following aspirin or NSAIDs 
- polyps tend to recur 
- vs juvenille nasal angiofibroma: tends to cause epistaxis, generally occurs teen males
- vs inverted papilloma: rarely presents in context of AERD 
5. Pregnant women have increased risk of pyogenic granulomas on anterior septum that result in epistaxis. 
6. Pneumonia vaccine: all adults >65 : 13-valent followed by 23-valent 6-12 mos later. 
23 valent alone for younger people who are smokers or have chronic diease 
7. HOCM - prevalence 1:500; Long QT syndrome - prevalence 1:2500
8. Varicella exposure: 
- In immune person (prior varicella or vaccine) - do nothing
- In immunocompetent person who is not immune - varicella vaccine - 70-100% effective in preventing infection if given within 3-5d of exposure 
- In immunocompromised person who is not immune - varicella Ig within 10d of exposure 
9. Ascending paralysis: 
- Tick: hours to days progression, no fever, normal sensation, no autonomic dysfunction; tick needs to feed for 4-7 days to release neurotoxin - meticulous search will often turn out with tick. Removal of tick => spont improvement in most. 
- Guillain Barre: days to weeks, sensation is usually mildly affected, autonomic dysfunction (tachy, urinary retention, arrhythmias) in 70%. Albuminocytologic diassoc on CSF (high protein, few cells) in 80-90% at 1 week. Tx: IVIg/plasmapharesis. 
10. SSRI should be continued for 6 months after symptom response in treatment of single episode of major depression. Multiple episodes = longer treatment. 

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